Enjoy free access television content
If we want to watch movies and series for free on Android we have a great offer of applications that provide us with content of all kinds ... but many of them do so in a not entirely legal way so you may not sleep well at night due to remorse.
Free and legal series and movies
If what you want is to enjoy the cinema and television completely free and without remorse, you can resort to an application like Airy TV. This app shares with its users a programming composed of television series and movies whose videos are shared on free access platforms such as YouTube or Archive.org.
In the interface we find a selection of channels with their corresponding programming that we can access whenever we want. Simply choose the channel and launch playback from the app itself, without having to download anything. You'll find classic films, series like Colombo, documentaries, cartoons, sports that is neither soccer nor NBA ... ie, an app for those interested in doing a little television archeology (which can be very interesting) or for those who do not give a damn about the last chapter of the HBO fashion series and are not interested in commenting on it Mac in hand at Starbucks.
Requirements and additional information:
- Minimum operating system requirements: Android 5.0.
With a degree in History, and later, in Documentation, I have over a decade of experience testing and writing about apps: reviews, guides, articles, news, tricks, and more. They have been countless, especially on Android, an operating system...
Shay O’Toole